
I believe everyone knows what wallpaper is, but do you know how to choose it ? After all, there are so many varieties of wallpaper on the market that it is easy to be overwhelmed when choosing. In addition, due to the high cost-effectiveness, it is loved by most owners. As the number of manufacturers increases, the product quality will naturally become uneven.

Therefore, you must be cautious when choosing wallpaper in this environment. If you choose the wrong one, it may bring unhealthy effects to your body. So here are some tips for choosing wallpaper :

Home decoration wallpaper
Home decoration wallpaper

Some Tips

1. Try to choose big brands with good reputation and good service. After all, big brands may not be very good, but they will definitely not be bad.

2. When purchasing wallpaper, it is best to buy wallpaper from the same batch, because wallpapers produced in different batches will have slight color errors even if the patterns are the same.

3. If you only buy a single roll of wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the color difference, because some manufacturers may not have rigorous technology, and there will be color differences at the head and tail of the wallpaper.

4. When purchasing wallpaper, it is best to purchase a little more than expected, deducting the amount of loss and color difference, to avoid running out of wallpaper and having to purchase again, resulting in color difference of wallpaper.

5. After purchasing the wallpaper, if you find that there is a color difference when you get home, it is best to contact the seller immediately and replace it.

Home decoration
Home decoration

Good wallpaper

That’s all about how to choose a good wallpaper. Now let’s talk about how to choose a wallpaper that is both beautiful and suitable for your home. First of all, there are many different types of wallpapers. According to the different materials, they can be divided into: pure paper wallpaper, PVC wallpaper, foam wallpaper, non-woven paper wallpaper, fabric wallpaper, cloth-based wallpaper, gold foil wallpaper and special wallpaper. These different types of wallpapers are used in different locations:

Pure paper is suitable for children’s rooms;

PVC wallpaper can be used as wallpaper in any place;

Non-woven paper is suitable for living rooms, bedrooms, background walls, etc.

Fabric wallpapers are suitable for walls and ceilings;

Cloth-based wallpaper is suitable for TV background walls, bedroom background walls, and partial walls of study rooms;

Special wallpapers are based on paper or cloth and are suitable for special spaces.

Home decoration
Home decoration

Wallpaper colors

After understanding the application of wallpaper types, let’s talk about how to choose wallpaper colors and patterns. After all, wallpaper colors and patterns can directly affect the atmosphere of the room and also have a certain impact on people’s emotions. So choosing colors is also very particular.

Wallpaper colors are generally divided into cool colors and warm colors. Warm colors are mainly red, yellow, and brown, while cool colors are mainly blue, green, and gray. The color of wallpaper should generally match the furniture, curtains, carpets, and lights, so that the room environment will appear harmonious and unified. However, it should be noted that since the bedroom, living room, and dining room have different uses, it is best to choose different wallpapers to achieve a harmonious effect with the furniture. For example: dark and bright colors are used in the dining room and living room, while cool and low-brightness colors are more suitable for the bedroom and study; creating a quiet environment.

In addition, the choice of wallpaper patterns is also very important, because different wallpaper patterns can be used to bring different visual effects to the room. For example, vertical stripes will visually increase the height of the room; large flower patterns will visually reduce the sense of restraint in the room; small and regular patterns will visually increase the sense of order in the room.

The above is the introduction to today’s wallpaper selection. I hope this article can help you if you need it. Of course, if you want to know more about decoration, welcome to follow me! Golden Apple will share with you nearly 20 years of decoration experience and give you a satisfactory home.

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